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Install 3proxy Centos

HAProxy is a very fast and reliable solution for high availability, load balancing, It supports TCP and HTTP-based applications. Nowadays most of the websites need 99.999% uptime for their site, which is not possible with single server setup.

  1. 3proxy Config

Then we need some high availability environment that can easily manage with single server failure.This article will help you to install HAProxy on CentOS, RHEL servers and will configure a Layer 4 Load Balancing ( ). Which will balance load and transfer requests to different-2 servers based on IP address and port numbers. Step 1 – Install HAProxyHAProxy package is available under the default yum repository for CentOS, Redhat systems. Use the following yum package manager command to install HAProxy on your system.

3proxy Config

Sudo yum install haproxyStep 2 – Configure HAProxyUpdate your HAProxy configuration file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg as per your requirement, You may also use below given configuration file as an example of setup and modify it.


In our previous tutorials, we have learned how to. Also we have published some other articles regarding squid proxy server, links to which are mentioned below;1-2-3-4-In this tutorial, we will learn to install Squidguard along with squid proxy server on our CentOS machines.SquidGuard is a free and open-source application, which is basically used as a URL redirectore software, which we can use to managing access to websites. Squidguard uses blacklists to control access to websites & define the website to which URL has to be redirected. We have option to create a custom blacklist or can use one of many available on the internet. SquidGuard can be installed on Linux as well Unix. Pre-requisitesPackage to install SquidGuard are not available with default Centos/RHEL repos, we need to enable the EPEL repository on our system to install squidguard. Install EPEL repository the following command, applicable to you,RHEL/CentOS 7# rpm -Uvh 6 (64 Bit)# rpm -Uvh 6 (32 Bit)# rpm -Uvh SquidGuardWe first need to install squid on our system.

If you have not done it already, install squid with the following command,# yum install squidNow install squidguard with the following command,# yum install squidGuard. Note:- Mind the uppercase ‘G’ in squidGuard.So we now squid with squidguard installed on our server. Now let’s complete the configuration,Configuring SquidguardWe will firstly create a folder for keeping a blaclikst named ‘test’ in folder ‘/var/squidGurad/test’.# mkdir -p /var/squidGuard/testIn the folder test, we will create two files, one by the name ‘domains’ & other by the name ‘urls’ with the list on domains and URLs we want to redirect/block,# cd /var/squidGuard/test# vi domainsfacebook.comtwitter.comyoutube.com# vi urls.